Tuesday, March 25, 2025


Illustrated ‘how to’ lessons

Basic lessons in propagation, potting, grooming and culture.  Photos are used to illustrate precisely what is being described.  Many of the basic lessons have been presented with the new or inexperienced grower in mind.  Again, remember that these are only suggestions, based upon our experience.  If you have success using other methods, stay with what works for you.

Lessons currently available: 

Propagation of gesneriads by aerial rhizomes.  Some rhizomatous gesneriads produce rhizomes above ground.  Here’s to to get more plants using them.

Propagation of African violets by leaf cuttings.  African violets are extremely easy to propagate from leaf cuttings.  Here are the basics of propagation.

African violet chimeras.  “Chimeras” are genetic oddities that won’t produce true-blooming plants from leaf cuttings.  Learn how to propagate them from suckers.

Propagation of African violets by blossom stems.  When propagation by leaves is not enough, African violets can even be propagated by their blossom stems.  A good way of propagation for “chimeras” and other hard to propagate “true” varieties.

Propagating Begonias by leaf cuttings. Begonias are surprisingly easy to propagate.  See why.

African violets with necks.  The most common oversight of growers is neglecting to repot violets when they need it, before those long “goose necks” appear.

Repotting your violet.  Regular repotting of your African violet is necessary to keep it growing well and looking attractive.  Here’s the easy way how.

Repotting Episcias.  Episcias are very easy, fast, and vigorous growers that can easily look weedy if not repotted when necessary.  A few of our “tricks of the trade” are shown here.

Restoring/restarting your violet.  How to resuscitate a long-neglected violet and start anew. Our worst-case scenario–making that “beast” a beauty again.

Grooming Episcias.  A more in-depth lesson, especially for those who want to “grow for show”, and for those who just want to grow their episcia to it’s fullest potential.

Propagation of Streptocarpus.  Streps are even more prolific propagators than are violets!  Though they can be propagated in the same way as violets, we suggest a better way.

Potting, dividing and repotting Streptocarpus.  From plantlet to mature plant.

Kohlerias.  Grooming, repotting, and propagation of this rhizomatous gesneriad.

Container Gardens Made Easy.  Begin with collecting and preparing the materials you’ll need.  Then designing and assembling the garden itself.

Dish Gardens.  How to make a miniature landscape using one of our dish garden “kits”.  Just follow the illustrated steps.

Terrariums.  How to create a miniature landscape under glass.