Question: I started a leaf cutting at the beginning of the year, and exactly 10 weeks after sticking the leaf, the first plantlet appeard. The rosette is now about the size of a quarter. Many weeks later the cutting gave me three more plantlets, which are much smaller. The parent (rooted) leaf isn’t shading the new plantlets as much as the older, first sibling, plantlet. Can I remove this larger plantlet while leaving the other, much smaller, plantlets with the parent leaf?
Answer: Yes. You can remove the larger plantlet. With some prodding, you should be able to remove it from the soil (if the rooting medium is as loose as it should be, this should be easy). If not, you can carefully cut it off, leaving some roots attached. You can then give it a pot of its own. When the remaining plantlets get to the size you are confident handling, you can do the same for them.