Saturday, December 21, 2024

Light duration

Question:  I grow some of my violets in a window and they do well there, except for the winter when they don’t seem to bloom very much.  I’ve added florescent light above the plants and really like how they look with the extra light, especially at night or when the days are dark.  Would there be any problem in keeping the light on all the time?

Answer:  So long as the light isn’t too intense, probably not, at least during the winter when you don’t seem to be getting much in the way of natural light anyway.  Though prevailing wisdom says otherwise, our experience is that violets can be successfully grown even when not given periods of darkness.  We have to areas in our shop where many plants, including violets, are grown with 24 hours of light.  Both of these receive light from both natural and artificial sources.  We do this for much the same reason–it makes the shop windows more attractive at night to passersby.  Of course, if you are doing this for your own pleasure, there’s no need to keep plant illuminated while you’re asleep!

As for whether your violets benefit, leave this decision up to them.  If they bloom and the foliage is green and grows well, then the plant is happy and the light is fine.  If they are receiving too much light, as might be the case during times of the year when there is more sunlight, foliage may become pale and brittle, new growth may become crowded in the plant center, and leaves may “hug” the pot.  If this becomes the case, reduce the time and/or intensity of the artificial light you are providing.

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