Monday, January 13, 2025

Streptocarpus: irregular or missing leaves

Question:  My Streptocarpus has irregular sections that are missing from the edges of the leaves, as if something had been eating them.  Any ideas? Answer:  Actually, this is something one of our employees experienced with a plant she had taken home from the shop.  We’ve also been told similar stories by some of our violet-growing friends.  […]

Stolon growth and blooming

Question:  Chirita ‘Vietnam’ (usbrg #98-083) grows very well for me, but I’ve never been able to get it to bloom.  Perhaps it’s just a poor bloomer.  Is that true? Answer:  This was a comment overheard in a showroom last fall.  We’ve seen this particular plant more than once in shows, and it always looks terrific, with perfectly […]

Episcias: getting to bloom

Question:  I love Episcias.  Mine seem to grow really well.  They produce lots of leaves and look healthy, but never seem to bloom.  Are they difficult plants to get to bloom, or am I doing something wrong? Answer:  Most people think that episcias are difficult plants to get to bloom.  Even the best growers often have problems getting them to […]