Friday, October 11, 2024

Botanical names

Question:  Do you grow “gold fish plants” or “lipstick vines”? Answer:  We do, but that’s not the reason we’ve chose this question to answer.  This is a very frequently asked question, both at the shop and by those calling us.  We’ve chose this to illustrate the importance of using the botanical names of plants.  It’s true that […]

Trailing African violets

Question:  I’ve seen trailers described as pendulous, spreading, naturally trailing, and semitrailing.  Could you tell me the difference?  How should they be grown? Answer:  These are terms adopted by some hybridizers and growers to describe the growth habits of trailing varieties.  Unfortunately, these will differ somewhat amongst growers and catalog listings.  This is partly because hybridizers don’t […]

Effect of gas/propane on violets

Question:  I intend to grow my plants in my basement, where I have my furnace and hot-water heater.  I’ve been told that the gas from these appliances can damage my violets.  Should I worry? Answer:  No.  Your plants are in danger if there is a natural gas (or propane) leak but, at that point, you would be […]